Posted by A on 00:17 No comments
Chocolate knickerbocker glory


  • 400g fresh cherries, stoned
  • 75g caster sugar
  • 500ml good-quality vanilla or raspberry ripple ice cream
  • 4 Cadbury Flakes
  • 4 tbsp chopped mixed nuts, toasted
  • 2 tbsp chocolate sprinkles or grated chocolate


How to make chocolate knickerbocker glory

1. Place the stoned cherries and caster sugar in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Simmer for 15-20 minutes or until the cherries are softened and the juice has thickened and is syrupy. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool completely.
2. Place a spoonful of the cooled cherry mixture into 4 dessert dishes or serving glasses and place a scoop of ice cream on top. Cut each Flake in half and crumble 1 half over the ice cream in the dishes. Repeat with another layer of ice cream, then spoon over another tablespoon of the cherry mixture.
3. Pop the remaining Flakes into the ice cream and serve sprinkled with chopped toasted mixed nuts and the chocolate sprinkles or grated chocolate.
Tip: A cherry stoner is invaluable for removing the stones and keeping the cherry whole. It's a great gadget and a fun job for the children to do. You can buy one from Lakeland Limited for £5.99. Visit to order. We served this dessert in these adorable ice cream cups (with spoons), £2.87 for four, from Tesco.


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