Posted by A on 00:20 No comments
Ultimate burger


  • 75g finely diced white onion
  • 20g chopped fresh coriander
  • 500g Casterbridge minced beef
  • 7ml Dijon mustard
  • 7ml horseradish sauce
  • 5ml extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and cracked black pepper


How to make All Bar One's ultimate burger

1. Start by peeling the onion, finely dice into small cubes to give maximum flavour when cooked. Pick fresh coriander from the stalks and finely slice the leaves, placed to one side.
2. Place the Casterbridge mince into a large mixing bowl and add the onions and coriander, to this add the Dijon mustard and horseradish sauce stir until all of the ingredients have combined.
3. Ensure all of the wet ingredients are fully combined, if not they may burn when you grill them, olive oil is added to glaze the meat so that when the burger hits the grill its instantly seals to give some tasty grill marks. The final and most crucial stage is the seasoning; salt and pepper are added and then combined.
4. Shape into 4 round patties and press down The burgers can be cooked straight away but can benefit from 20 minutes in the fridge as this firms them up slightly.
5. Cook on a char grill or alternatively a griddle pan on a high heat for 10 - 12 minutes. Leave to rest for 2 minutes prior to serving to allow the juices to go back into the meat. Serve in a fresh crusty white roll, with mayonnaise, a slice of beef tomato and a fresh crisp Cos lettuce leaf.


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