Posted by A on 07:15 No comments

.Kohlrabi citrus salad
You might not have come across kohlrabi but it is a wonderful veg - cooked or raw. This bright recipe pairs it with some refreshing grapefruit and a creamy dressing for a great winter salad.


  • ½ kohlrabi
  • 1 pink grapefruit, peeled
  • blood orange, peeled
  • 1 tbsp capers
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • spring onions
  • ½ a clove garlic
  • 2 tbsp plain yoghurt
  • 1tbsp chopped flat-leaf parsley, plus a few picked leaves
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • ¼ celeriac
  • lemon
  • beetroot

Preparation method

  1. Begin by thinly slicing the kohlrabi, pink grapefruit and blood orange crossways into rough disc shapes. Build the salad with a layer of the kohlrabi first followed by the grapefruit and the orange. Scatter the capers over the top and trickle round two tablespoons of olive oil. Leave aside in the fridge or under some cover while you tend to the rest.
  2. Finely slice the spring onions and garlic and put in a bowl with the yoghurt, the chopped parsley and a little seasoning.
  3. Grate a quarter of a peeled celeriac squeezing a little lemon juice over it as you go to stop it browning. Grate a peeled raw beetroot and then combine it all with the yoghurt mixture. A couple of tablespoons of olive oil here will loosen the mixture slightly and then a few picked parsley leaves will give it a good balance.
  4. Finally spoon the grated vegetable mixture over the kohlrabi and citrus and serve.


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